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September 16, 2009

Joe Sheare called the meeting to order at 8:06 p.m. via conference call.

Participants: Joe Sheare, Louis Napoli, John Foulkes, Tom Bell and Buck Mann (Mann Properties).

Board Members Absent: Mike Bufano, Bob Siskind and James McDonald.

1. Reading and Approval of the 8/19/2009 Draft CDS Board Meeting Minutes. A motion to approve the draft minutes was made by Joe Sheare and seconded by Tom Bell. The motion passed unanimously.

2. Review of Financials: Igor Conev reviewed the financials listed below.

a. Checking $ 22,047
b. CD $ 532
c. Savings $ 0
d. Accounts Receivable
i. Regular Assessment $ 4,364
ii. Special Assessment $ 0
e. Line of Credit $ 40,000

In his review of the financial information, Igor Conev stated that the accounts receivable/regular assessment) amount is attributable primarily to the owners of units 648 and 722. The amount cited for unit 648 (Beach Brothers) will be covered for services rendered by Beach Brothers. With respect to the owner of unit 722, the Board agreed to issue a final warning to the unit owner to remit the payment.


a. Front Side Renovation Update.

i. Over-budget mailing of coupons. It was noted that in the subsequent mailing of the coupons to the unit owners, only one coupon was mailed (for a $900 payment due October 1, 2009), and no explanatory supplement was included. In addition, there is confusion as to which to which bank the funds should be remitted (PNC or Bank of Ocean City (BoOC)). Unit owners can remit payment to either bank; however the preferred bank is BoOC. Also, for those owners who choose only to remit $450 on October 1, a second coupon for the remaining $450 will be mailed, with payment due January 1, 2010.

(Following note: After the Board meeting, Mike Bufano emailed a spreadsheet to the Board members which itemizes the budget vs. actual, and calculates the over budget amount. This spreadsheet should be attached to the minutes when they are distributed to the membership.)

ii. Unit 640 – Appealing Board decision not to reimburse window. Lou Napoli made a motion to place discussion and resolution of the appeal on next month’s (October 14, 2009) agenda, and invite the unit owner to participate in the teleconference. The motion was seconded by Joe Sheare, and carried unanimously. (Subsequent to the Board meeting, Igor Conev sent an email to the unit owner inviting her to call in at 8:30pm if she so chooses to participate in the discussion.)

c. Small Front-Side First Floor Window. Per the August 19, 2009 Board meeting minutes, Joe investigated the cost of purchasing paint and supplies that would be furnished to unit owners who opted to paint the window frames themselves. Joe presented a proposal which includes assembling painting kits for each requesting unit owner. In addition, Joe’s proposal included an additional amount of paint if the owner would also like to paint the main front door as well. A motion was made by Tom Bell to accept the proposal, seconded by John Foulkes. The motion carried unanimously. The minutes of this meeting will include a form that unit owners can fill out and send to Joe if they choose to participate.


a. Critical Maintenance Projects (Capping/Sealing the Pilings, Parking Lot Resurfacing, Permanent Solution to Carport Ceilings) - Update.

i. Capping/Sealing Pilings. Joe Sheare and Tom Bell each researched and presented options for capping or sealing the canal-side pilings. In addition, John Foulkes identified a company who sells piling caps. After some discussion, it was decided to have John email a copy of the manufacturer’s ad to the Board members. Joe will assemble a package of all 3 options and will provide it electronically to the Board members for vote. (Following Note: 9/21/09: Options were provided to the Board membership for voting, and the preferred option is the black plastic covers from Merco Marine, estimated cost (to include nails and caulking supplies) of $1,998. Board members will be asking for owner volunteers to help install the caps once they are purchased. The installation involves hammering 4 galvanized nails through pre-drilled holes in the caps to attach them to the piles.)

ii. Parking Lot Resurfacing. Joe asked Igor for a cost estimate to patch the cracks in the 3 parking lots, seal over the asphalt, and repaint the parking space lines. Igor will get estimates within the next two weeks and distribute them to the Board members.

iii. Carport Ceilings. Joe and Igor will get together and discuss how to proceed with obtaining cost estimates for the repairs.


a. Unit 664. A complaint filed by Tom Bell on September 6, 2009 regarding inappropriate storage of jet ski trailers at unit 664. It was noted that a warning letter had been issued for previous violations. Lou Napoli made a motion that the association fine the unit owner $250 per the by-laws. The motion was seconded by Tom Bell, and carried unanimously. Igor Conev will send out the notification.

b. Unit 642. It was observed by Joe Sheare during August 20-23 that jet ski trailers were being stored at unit 642. Lou Napoli made a motion to send either a warning letter (or fine if this is the second infraction) to the unit owner. The motion was seconded by Tom Bell, and carried unanimously. (Subsequent to the Board meeting, it was determined that this is the first occurrence of a violation for unit 642, so a warning letter is appropriate). Igor Conev will send out the notice.

c. Multiple units. Informal complaints were made over the Labor Day weekend of cooking on barbecue grills too close to the back decks and balconies. No decision was made, other than to have all unit owners exercise care in using grills and abide by the regulations stated in the by-laws.

It was also decided to include as an agenda item for next month’s Board meeting for a discussion on the parking of non-automobiles/commercial trucks on CDS property.

6. ADJOURNMENT was at 8:50 pm.

7. NEXT CDS BOD MEETING – Wednesday, October 14, 2009, at 8:00 pm by teleconference.